A Start with no End

Embracing wabi-sabi is as easy (or as difficult) as understanding and accepting yourself — imperfections and all. It’s about being compassionate with yourself as you are, and building on whatever that is — not feverishly trying to rebuild yourself in order to pose as something else entirely. - Mike Sturm

I've spent my entire life chasing my goals, holding on to where my passions took me as long as they were pointed towards some sort of end.

The purpose of this blog is just to be free. To write and to share and to hold myself accountable for not holding myself accountable.

If you are reading this, you are likely following a link from Facebook. You are probably thinking - "I don't really care" or "omg who blogs in 2019?" and that's fine. I'm not really doing this for you haha. My goal is just to post something every day. I'd love for you to read, I'd love for you comment, but I expect neither. If you don't want me gumming up your Facebook feed go ahead and unfollow me or whatever, it's fine. Seriously. Social media isn't about this kind of content any more, and I get that.

If you do stick around, expect an update every day or two. Some will be small, they'll usually just have some thoughts. But I'll try to include at least ONE action that I've taken in working towards a passion of mine. That means that most of the time this will be geeky, context-specific, and personal. Sometimes it will be about a project or some big idea. Othertimes it will be a small thing that is just from a hobby, or an experience from a book or movie or something else that impacted me. But fuck it, ya know? We spend way too much time guarding ourselves from everyone. I'm not really interested in being so fearful to let you in any longer.

Again, this is for me, but I'm posting it because I'd like to share it. Blogs used to be so narcissistic, but somewhere along the line they changed and became a vehicle for selling a thing, or misleading a viewer into clicking a link. I don't want to sell you anything, and I don't care if you click any links. I just want to share who I am while I can. And really, 6 months from now and looking back, I'll be happy I did this. For me.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Good shit man! You do you! Keep writing, I'll keep reading. Maybe I work up the courage to do the same some day. :)

    1. Thanks! And you totally should, no reason not to and really, being able to look back at your previous thoughts can be a great way to find peace with your current ones. :)

  2. Good for you, man. : )

  3. Replies
    1. Well we're all out! We only had 2 bits and we didn't expect such a rush!


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