Neo Tokyo and Divinity Day

Last night was an absolute blast. A group of friends and I all went to the Gen X tavern in downtown Tampa which was packed and loud but still a delight. It was the perfect mix of nerdy and nostalgia, and it didn't hurt that the company was so excellent. Once again reminded of how amazing my friends are.

Afterward, we stumbled drunkenly several blocks to the Tampa Theatre for the 10:30 showing of Akira.

It was better than I remember, but still not a great movie. It's beautiful (particularly considering the quality of other contemporary animation at the time), and the story set the tone for what would become decades of weird, surreal anime themes, but in general, I feel like the movie has a little bit of an issue knowing precisely what it wants to be.

Today, my other friend Corey came over, and we dove back into Divinity Original Sin two. From around 1 pm until 1:30 am, we quested through the end of chapter 1 and what feels like had to have been most of Chapter 2. This game is so special. One of those "I can't stop thinking about it while I'm not playing it" games.

Also, with recent ridiculous work stresses, it was a much-needed decompression day. Combined with letting loose a little at Akira the night before, it all lead to a very mentally healthy weekend, and there's still one more day of it remaining!

The plan for Sunday is to dive into unity and wrap up the rest of the lesson I'm on, then export my small little text adventure. Then I'll reward myself and play a little bit more of FFXIV Shadowbringers. Despite how cool Gunbreaker is, may not stick with it. Still, need to try out a few of the other classes since there were some very significant class changes with this expansion.

Anyways, thanks for reading, as always! 


  1. send me that goddamn text adventure! i'm gonna get the high score.


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